FAMU Celebrates Homecoming 2023: It’s Our Time

By Larry Robinson, Ph.D. As legions of alumni and supporters converge on Tallahassee to join students, faculty, staff and friends for Florida A&M University’s Homecoming 2023: The Experience, “Forever Rattlers: A Timeless Tradition,”it is our hope that the festivities will be safe, enjoyable, and filled with excitement.  We are so fortunate to be part of FAMU’s legacy of “Excellence with Caring”and Homecoming is one of those precious times that bind our community together as a FAMUly. Given the threats faced by other Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs) this Homecoming season, we are urging everyone – students, faculty, staff, alumni, The post FAMU Celebrates Homecoming 2023: It’s Our Time appeared first on HBCU News.

FAMU Celebrates Homecoming 2023: It’s Our Time

By Larry Robinson, Ph.D. As legions of alumni and supporters converge on Tallahassee to join students, faculty, staff and friends for Florida A&M University’s Homecoming 2023: The Experience, “Forever Rattlers: A Timeless Tradition,”it is our hope that the festivities will be safe, enjoyable, and filled with excitement.  We are so fortunate to be part of FAMU’s legacy of “Excellence with Caring”and Homecoming is one of those precious times that bind our community together as a FAMUly. Given the threats faced by other Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs) this Homecoming season, we are urging everyone – students, faculty, staff, alumni,

The post FAMU Celebrates Homecoming 2023: It’s Our Time appeared first on HBCU News.