FVSU’s Homecoming 2023 “1895: The HITS” – Record Breaking Homecoming

FVSU’s Homecoming 2023“1895: The HITS” will be remembered not just for the exciting football game, spirited tailgating, and musical events but also for the historic moments and achievements that took place during this remarkable week of celebration. One of the most significant milestones during Homecoming 2023 was the astounding fundraising success. A grand total of $1,474,621.30 was raised for Homecoming Week through the Office of University Advancement. This impressive figure showcases the unwavering support and generosity of the community, alumni, and friends of FVSU. These funds will profoundly impact student success initiatives. In addition, Homecoming 2023 witnessed numerous events and The post FVSU’s Homecoming 2023 “1895: The HITS” – Record Breaking Homecoming appeared first on HBCU News.

FVSU’s Homecoming 2023 “1895: The HITS” – Record Breaking Homecoming

FVSU’s Homecoming 2023“1895: The HITS” will be remembered not just for the exciting football game, spirited tailgating, and musical events but also for the historic moments and achievements that took place during this remarkable week of celebration. One of the most significant milestones during Homecoming 2023 was the astounding fundraising success. A grand total of $1,474,621.30 was raised for Homecoming Week through the Office of University Advancement. This impressive figure showcases the unwavering support and generosity of the community, alumni, and friends of FVSU. These funds will profoundly impact student success initiatives. In addition, Homecoming 2023 witnessed numerous events and

The post FVSU’s Homecoming 2023 “1895: The HITS” – Record Breaking Homecoming appeared first on HBCU News.