Texas Southern University Awarded $50 Million Under Biden-Harris Grantmakers Program

By Quintessa Williams Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced $600 million to 11 Grantmakers to fund Environmental Justice Programs nationwide. Among the recipients, Texas Southern University will receive $50 million to support the university’s Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice. Dr. Bullard, founder of the BCECJ, joined VP Kamala Harris and EPA administrator Michael S. Regan to announce the historic grantmaker award today. “Every person has a right to drink clean water, breathe clean air, and live in a community that is healthy and safe. For too long, however, low-income communities, immigrant communities, Native communities, and communities of color have endured disproportionate The post Texas Southern University Awarded $50 Million Under Biden-Harris Grantmakers Program appeared first on HBCU News.

Texas Southern University Awarded $50 Million Under Biden-Harris Grantmakers Program

By Quintessa Williams Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced $600 million to 11 Grantmakers to fund Environmental Justice Programs nationwide. Among the recipients, Texas Southern University will receive $50 million to support the university’s Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice. Dr. Bullard, founder of the BCECJ, joined VP Kamala Harris and EPA administrator Michael S. Regan to announce the historic grantmaker award today. “Every person has a right to drink clean water, breathe clean air, and live in a community that is healthy and safe. For too long, however, low-income communities, immigrant communities, Native communities, and communities of color have endured disproportionate

The post Texas Southern University Awarded $50 Million Under Biden-Harris Grantmakers Program appeared first on HBCU News.