TSU Hosts Groundbreaking A.I. Summit

By Kelli Sharpe Tennessee State University is bringing artificial intelligence to the masses. Starting June 5, 2024, the university will host the A.I. FOR ALL: Open Education Summit , at the Avon Williams Educational Site. The two-day technology event will explore the heart of innovation, with the goal of show casing how artificial intelligence is within reach for everyone. During the opening session, TSUs AI robotic dog Blue and his pup greeted the crowd. The AI dogs will be making appearances throughout the summit. Some of the topics will include Ethics and Policies for A.I., A.I. Tools for Every Stage of Education, The post TSU Hosts Groundbreaking A.I. Summit appeared first on HBCU News.

TSU Hosts Groundbreaking A.I. Summit

By Kelli Sharpe Tennessee State University is bringing artificial intelligence to the masses. Starting June 5, 2024, the university will host the A.I. FOR ALL: Open Education Summit , at the Avon Williams Educational Site. The two-day technology event will explore the heart of innovation, with the goal of show casing how artificial intelligence is within reach for everyone. During the opening session, TSUs AI robotic dog Blue and his pup greeted the crowd. The AI dogs will be making appearances throughout the summit. Some of the topics will include Ethics and Policies for A.I., A.I. Tools for Every Stage of Education,

The post TSU Hosts Groundbreaking A.I. Summit appeared first on HBCU News.