United Airlines hosts students from six historically Black colleges and universities at flight training center

By Allie Jennerjahn United Airlines is showing students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) that aviation is an attainable career option. On Wednesday, the airline hosted nearly 50 college students at its Flight Training Center in Denver for a day long event. “It’s the place where all of our pilots come to be trained, and re-certified and gain those skills that they need to be the best in the industry. And so for these young people today to join us to really get that exposure … is really kind of that eye opening magic moment,” said Anel Ruiz, the The post United Airlines hosts students from six historically Black colleges and universities at flight training center appeared first on HBCU News.

United Airlines hosts students from six historically Black colleges and universities at flight training center

By Allie Jennerjahn United Airlines is showing students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) that aviation is an attainable career option. On Wednesday, the airline hosted nearly 50 college students at its Flight Training Center in Denver for a day long event. “It’s the place where all of our pilots come to be trained, and re-certified and gain those skills that they need to be the best in the industry. And so for these young people today to join us to really get that exposure … is really kind of that eye opening magic moment,” said Anel Ruiz, the

The post United Airlines hosts students from six historically Black colleges and universities at flight training center appeared first on HBCU News.